Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Headlights Required During Rain What Are Your Biggest Complaints About Other People's Driving?

What are your biggest complaints about other people's driving? - headlights required during rain

Here is my list in random order:

1. People who drive in step (left) LANE below the existing speed of traffic and refusing to move forward

2. People moving into the left lane and then decrease with the intention to turn left from ten miles farther down the road

3. People who are at a complete stop at the entrance to a roundabout, even if no traffic in the roundabout

4. People who are in the slow (right) on the neck of the length tailgate available for use

5. People who use a turn lane to pass on and not

6. People that are running in order to pass a back-up traffic with his shoulder, then the fact that it left in its

7. People who stop in a department where the highway design does not

8. People who swing to the left lane when you turn right, as if it is a big truck-car, trailer or bus

9. People who do not use their headlights in rain or fog

10. People do with their turn signals

Tmy hat. Do you have any?


  1. Man these things and much more stupider.

    That's Life! Suck it and act!

    Drive carefully and let them meet each other.

    No complains changes, it is useless.

    I have no complaints.

  2. People that their 1.10 Just talking on a cell phone.
    People speed up the end of a closed path, then forced to merge even if it signs the road 1000 feet lane closed ahead.
    People who move in the previous speed in the fast lane and into your lane and slow to less than its speed.

  3. You forgot to mention the most important - the people who are not careful and on the road while driving, that is, over the telephone, radio, or read the iPod, SMS eat, play, applying makeup, etc. ..

  4. SMS while driving, I Hate lyricist behind the wheel, I shall make a Rambo in the following I See. What can you say it is so important that you say @ 75 MPH ON THE ROAD have.


  5. The people driving next to his vehicle at high speed.
    People with lights at night.

  6. People who pass by, then break early and reduce your speed

  7. ONE - the only people who you are for some reason not careful. I can do a lot with the rest of them.

  8. Problems of slow people, and how you and the people, and you go, but I hate it

  9. Text messaging is my big problem if people do not concentrate on the road.
    CA IT
